Developer Posts Sea Power

Developer Posts Sea Power, latest official facts directly from the devs. Welcome to PMC website for naval warfare game: Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age.

Developer Posts Sea Power

Triassic Games posthistory.

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2024-10-26T16:09:00Z Good graphical user interface (GUI) Scaling? You can scale the UI, yes. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-24T19:56:00Z Ship editing limitations? What's currently easily possible is changing the physics parameters of existing ships. If you want to add own models it's not that easy at the moment but we will add mod support for that as well. For that going to happen we will introduce Addressables/Asset Bundles. So technically you just need to install Unity to create those bundles later on. We also will provide tutorials and templates when the time for that is there. For the start only missions are directly modable via Steam Workshop. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-16T09:27:05Z Unit side colors? You should be able to change the colors in the ini files. But that would be not dynamic of course. Just a friendly, neutral, unknown, hostile kind of color setting. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-16T09:25:58Z Medals? Not at the moment but we also plan to add achievements but that's more something for 1.0 release. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-16T09:25:06Z Dynamic Campaign will not be available on release. I get that point. I agree that it might looked a bit "sneaky". It was not our intention to "hide" something or let it slip through. That wouldn't work anyway for such a big feature. The mistake I made was to update the steam page prior to the announcement where we then communicated the change. Sorry for that. We try to improve our communication. :) -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-16T09:21:00Z Will weather be dynamic? To clarify that: We have some dynamic weather changes BUT we don't have raymarching clouds in (yet) which would allow for real dynamic cloud changes for instance. It's more of a blend over thing in our case. We have missions which start with thunderstorm which then clear up later on. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-14T06:56:03Z Dynamic Campaign will not be available on release. Yes it was a tough decision but it's barely alpha at the moment and while it works it's still too early to put it in. With saying Q2/25 this means we have enough buffer to make it playable and we expect it to be in sooner actually but let's see. Also we will publish a roadmap with EA release so you all can see what's in and what's planned as a proper communication and listening to you as the community is key! We want to support this game for a looong time actually. And to compensate for that a bit we've added Steam Workshop support for missions already and of course there is more to come. :) -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-12T13:00:00Z Ultrawide [monitor] Support? All good. Yes we will support ultrawide. Here's an example: Sea-Power-Ultrawide-Monitor-2024-10-12.jpg Not sure there is anything more than 32:9 out there? -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-07T06:33:00Z Multi monitor support? Yes that has been asked before and yes we're working on multi monitor support. :) Currently not the highest prio on our list but we plan to add it. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-07T06:29:00Z Night mission red light on tactical map view? Yes, we're considering that. It's on our list but has not the highest prio. Thank you! -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-02T06:58:00Z Question about game performance? Yes that should work. Our game is mainly CPU bound which means the CPU is the bottle neck as we have quite some sophisticated sensor modelling in., question: Are you going to use 64bit mutithreading? answer: Yes we're making heavy use of threading. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-02T07:11:00Z Biologics? Will they be in game? We're currently working on them, so they should be in. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-10-01T07:02:00Z Bad weather, high waves? We have that modelled that the visual range is lower then as well as some sensors will have worse results. E.g. the ambient noise is much higher which affects sonar. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-09-30T21:23:00Z Honestly we plan to work in this game for probably years to come and add content to it. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-09-28T21:03:00Z Yes we have some cinematic camera tools in and more will come. Our current tools allow smooth rotation around up axis, up/down rotation, moving towards/away from/to a target, sine rotation around a target. You can also move the camera to a specific point while following a target (e.g. fix it to a wing of an aircraft) and you can set your own point of view for a flyby perspective - which was used in the trailer for instance where that Soviet aircraft launced from an airfield. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-09-28T21:26:00Z We're currently implementing Workshop support. It's not 100% clear if it will make it into the initial release but the idea is to use Steam Workshop as a first test bed for scenarios. What's already working is mission sharing by sending someone just the mission file. It's basically an ini file, so a text file which you put into a folder within the game and that's it. It will then show up in the list of available missions. There are more complex possibilities (e.g. adding images and such) but we want to provide some templates later on as well to support modding. As I said the goal is to have the Steam Workshop in. First for scenarios, later for almost everything. -source Triassic Games [developer] post.

2024-09-22T06:39:00Z Yes weather influences the sensor capabilities. There is the typical conditions like clear, broken, scattered, overcast for clouds as well as storm, rain, snow, lightnings, etc... -source Triassic Games [developer] post.