History of Releases Sea Power, dates of releases and important announcements, etc. Welcome to PMC website for naval warfare game: Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age.
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Sea Power game history of releases, updates, major announcements etc.
2019 Around the beginning of 2019 we started to work on Sea Power using Unity as our development tool. -source steam store news.
2024-01-01T18:34:00Z the year of release was mentioned. -source steam store news.
2024-09-16T17:06:00Z Early Access is announced for November 2024. -source steam store news.
2024-10-15T09:59:00Z Early Access release date is announced for 2024-11-12. -source steam store news.
2024-11-11T09:59:00Z Upcoming Early Access time announced for 10:00hrs UTC. -source steam store news.