usersettings.ini File Sea Power

usersettings.ini File Sea Power. Welcome to PMC website for naval warfare game: Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age.

usersettings.ini File Sea Power

This is Sea Power main USER configuration file. Be very careful when editing usersettings.ini file because you could end up with game crashes or perhaps game not even starting if you use wrong values. In fact if you are not a "power user", comfortable with tinkering of such "hidden" game files, please leave this file alone and simply use the in-game main menu Options screen to tweak the game to your liking.

Location of usersettings.ini file is this directory:

C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Triassic Games\Sea Power\

There is an option to let Sea Power run in the background so when you ALT-TAB to text editor, web browser or whatever other software even for windows desktop, the game will continue running in the background, units will move, battles will be fought, you also hear in-game audio in your windows system even though you ALT-TABbed away from the game. This option is called RunInBackground.


False means no, do not run in the background, and True means yes run the game for me in the background while I ALT-TAB or shift the focus away (for example clicking mouse in some other monitor in your multiple screen system).

usersettings.ini file is overall where game Options screen settings are written into, then there are few extra settings which could be called "hidden" features, they are not listed in the Options screen, for example RunInBackground.

If you have Sea Power running and you edit usersettings.ini file, the game seems to be refreshing the file at least when you go to the options menu, as when I changed RunInBackground=False to True, it took affect on my next ALT-TAB even though I didn't restart the game.

Once I learn more about the Sea Power secrets this usersettings.ini page will be updated.