Mission Editor Sea Power. Tutorial HOWTO use mission editor to create new missions/scenarios. Welcome to PMC website for naval warfare game: Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age.
2024-11-03T13:12:29Z Sea Power Mission Editor page is work in progress, the game has not been even released on Early Access yet (coming soon november 12th 2024, are you ready?), many things in the whole game can and will change, I will update this tutorial as we go, step by step, one day at the time :)
If you are new to Sea Power Mission Editor you could start by checking out keyboard control page, then main menu page to get the basic info.
Beginner Tutorial helps to guide you through creating your first fully working playable Sea Power mission.
*Briefing mission friendly forces, suspected OPFOR, intelligence, objectives, etc.
Creating My First Group step by step tutorial.
Groups of units, ships, submarines, aircrafts, helicopters or land units.
Keyboard Control what keys to push.
Main Menu is what welcomes you to the mission editor, its the index page so to speak.
Triggers control things in a mission like how to complete it, add messages, move units etc.
* is a empty placeholder page until I learn the subject matter ;)